Flash Writer
The EP-3D is designed to program the FLASH series of devices and is connected to your PC via the USB port. Supported Devices: EPROM 27C64 - 27C080; EEPROM 28C256 - 28C040; FLASH EPROM 29C256 - 29C040; 29EE/LE512 - 29EE/LE020; 28F256 - 28F020A; 28SF/VF 040; 29F010 - 29F040; 29F001 - 29F002; 39SF/VF512 - 39SF/VF040; 49F512 - 49BF040; 49F/LV001 - 49F/LV002. Optional Accessories: Various PLCC & VSOP converters. **UNINSTALL PRIOR VERSION OF SOFTWARE BEFORE UPGRADING TO NEWER SOFTWARE.
- 32 pin ZIF socket
- File formats include Binary, Machine & Hex codes