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Catalog : Chemicals : Flux / Flux Remover : Flux

No-Clean Liquid Flux - Halogen-free, 125mL

No-Clean Liquid Flux - Halogen-free, 125mL

SKU: 8351-125MLCA

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MG Chemical's No-Clean Flux, is designed lead-free alloy solders, though it is also well-suited for leaded alloys as well. Because it features a low solids count, this organic flux leaves virtually no residues so that the board appears cosmetically clean. It is specially designed to minimize bridge defects and solder defects.


  • Halogen-free
  • Low residues
  • Excellent wettability
  • Useable for both leaded and lead-free solders
  • Rosin/Resin-free
  • RoHS compliant

US$ 13.00 price
US$ 12.35 5 - 9 (5% Off)
US$ 11.70 10 + (10% Off)