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Catalog : Chemicals : PC Board Chemicals & Supplies

Ammonium Persulfate Crystals, 1Kg

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Ammonium Persulfate Crystals, 1Kg

SKU: 410-1KG

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Ammonium Persulfate crystals are used as an alternative to the traditional ferric chloride to produce a cleaner copper etchant solution. Mixed product must be stored in a ventilated container. Compatible with tin etch resist. One kilogram of crystals will produce four liters of etching solution when mixed with water. Not compatible for use with Etch Resist Pen (Cat. No. 416-RP).


  • Compatible with tin etch resist
  • Not compatible for use with Etch Resist Pen (Cat. No. 416-RP).
  • *Note: We cannot ship this item. It must be picked up in store.

US$ 39.92 price
US$ 37.93 3 - 5 (5% Off)
US$ 35.93 6 + (10% Off)