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Catalog : Chemicals : PC Board Coatings

Premium Acrylic Conformal Coating, Aerosol 340g

Premium Acrylic Conformal Coating, Aerosol 340g

SKU: 419E-340G

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419E is a 1-part, UL 746E certified, acrylic conformal coating. It cures to a durable, flexible and smooth finish. It is easy to apply and can be handled in 15 minutes. It may be removed with appropriate strippers, or soldered through for repair or rework.

419E creates a robust moisture barrier that protects printed circuit boards in humid environments. It provides strong protection against moisture, corrosion, fungus, dirt, dust, thermal shock, short circuits, high-voltage arcing, and static discharge.


  • Certified UL 746E (File# E203094)
  • Meets IPC-CC-830B
  • Xylene and toluene free
  • Fluoresces under UV-A light
  • Suitable for use with robotic coating equipment

US$ 42.08 price
US$ 39.98 6 - 11 (5% Off)
US$ 37.87 12 + (10% Off)