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Catalog : Test & Measurement : Meters and Measurement : Multimeters: Handheld

Fluke Connect® 3000 Wireless Industrial Systems Toolkit


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Fluke Connect® is a series of measurement tools with wireless connectivity and matching PC/mobile software that allows you to monitor, log and share measurements without putting yourself in harm's way. The wireless tools keep the on-site personnel safe by distancing them from live circuitry and machinery. While the secure data storage and sharing gives you and your team access to the information needed to track, diagnose and solve the toughest problems, regardless of their distance from the work site.

This kit includes three AC current modules with iFlex current clamps, an AC voltage module, a DMM that displays the remote modules' readings, and a dongle for your PC/laptop to act as the master instead of the DMM. This measurement tool set is ideal for troubleshooting multi-phase AC systems.


  • Fluke 3000 FC Wireless Multimeter
  • Fluke a3001 FC Wireless iFlex AC Current Module (x3)
  • Fluke v3000 FC Wireless AC Voltage Module
  • Fluke Connect® Wireless PC Adapter (USB 2.0)
  • TL224 Test Leads
  • TL175 Test Leads
  • AC175 Alligator Clips
  • AC175 Alligator Clips
  • iFlex i2500-10 Flexible Current Clamp (x3)
  • Magnetic Hanging Strap (x4)
  • Carrying Bag
US$ 1,527.38 price