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Catalog : Chemicals : PC Board Coatings

Premium Acrylic Conformal Coating, Aerosol 340g

Premium Acrylic Conformal Coating, Aerosol 340g

SKU: 419D-340G

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MG Chemicals Premium Acrylic Conformal Coating is an IPC-CC-830B and UL 94-V0 certified, xylene and toluene free coating with an excellent high-gloss finish. It is ideal for professional coating operations and robotic spray equipment.
This coating protects electric circuits against moisture, dirt, dust, and thermal shocks that could corrode, short circuit, or otherwise damage the electric components. It insulates against high-voltage arcing, shorts, static discharges, and allows traces to be put closer together helping with miniaturization.


  • Certified UL 94V-0 (File # E203094)
  • Externally Qualified to IPC-CC-830B by Pacific Testing Laboratories
  • Tack free in about 15 min; full cure in < 60 min at 65 °C [149 °F]
  • High gloss finish
  • Suitable for robotic spray equipment, custom formulations available for specific machines
  • No Hazardous Air Pollutants—free of toluene and xylene
  • Easy to inspect—fluoresces under UV light
  • Service temperature range -40°C to +125°C
  • Easy rework and repairs—can solder through
  • Removable with Cat. No. 8312 (liquid) Conformal Coating Stripper

US$ 37.85 price
US$ 35.95 5 - 9 (5% Off)
US$ 34.06 10 + (10% Off)